Create a Life of Harmony and Balance

Take the wheel of life assessment to access your life’s harmony and reflect on possible changes to improve it for your wellbeing.

Wheel of Life is a dynamic coaching tool for your wellness vision. You can use this to access your life’s harmony and prioritize your goals.

Steps to create your wheel of life: 

1. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw on it the 8 sections shown in the image above.

2. Rank each of them on a fulfillment scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest and 1 the least fulfilling for you).

3. You can add or remove sections are per your life’s priorities.

Interpreting your wheel:

1. The areas closer to 10 are more fulfilling for you.

2. Look at the wheel now, is it balanced? What would be your aspired wheel?

3. Choose areas you want more fulfillment from.

4. Create a plan to harmonize your life-wheel as per your priority and choice.

At Thoughtsfile, we respect your choices and can partner with you to file away any noise or limiting belief slowing your quest for your aspired life.

It is possible and normal to feel unpleasant and stuck even if one is not suffering from a psychological disorder due to low subjective well-being. The solution? like our physical health here as well; prevention is better than cure. Positive Psychology provides various tools to enhance well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction. If your quest is to flourish, contact Thoughtsfile to learn more about measures to reclaim your emotional well-being and create a customized plan that works for you.

Credit: Paul J Meyer, a pioneer in the professional development industry, invented the concept of the wheel of life in 1960 as a tool to pursue a balanced life. We have customised it post consulting recent work in the psychology of human motivation.